Faculty at a Glance
- Over a 1/3 of our teachers hold advanced degrees
- Average 12 years teaching experience
- Overall student/faculty ratio (13:1); average class size for grades K-5 - 25; PK/TK capacity is 20.
- All teachers hold teaching certificates
- 29 teachers (16 classroom teachers)
- 8 special area classes offered
- 1 full time Masters Level Counselor
- 2 full time Modified Academic Program teachers (both with Masters degrees in special education)
- 16 teacher assistants
- 2 full time Academic Achievement Program teachers (both with Masters degrees)
- 1 full time Academic Enrichment teacher (with Masters degree in Gifted and Talented Education)
- 1 Part-time Nurse, BSN
- 1 Principal
- 1 Assistant Principal
- Both the Principal and Assistant Principal hold Masters’ Degrees