Identified students participate in a pull-out program that meets 75 minutes a week. This group is not fluid and will meet for the entire school year, The curriculum units focus on one broad theme per year which allows for the students to study a topic in depth. These units are Architecture and Archeology and they focus on creative and productive, thinking, communication, problem solving and decision making.
Architecture: Students are introduced to the field of architecture and learn about famous structures, architects, church design, and architectural features. They complete many hands-on engineering and building challenges and they also learn how to draw and label floor plans and front elevations. They learn how to use architectural tools such as a T-square, French curve, compass, protractor and ruler.
Archeology: Students research cultural universals of ancient civilizations, developing a new culture, conducting a simulated dig and interpreting artifacts from the dig. They also watch a program called Voyage of the Mimi and learn about the Mayan culture through the eyes of a young boy.